Happy New Year! But wait, there’s one more Christmas celebration tonight: Here in Ireland it’s “Nollaig na mBan” or “Women’s Christmas!”

As the Ireland Fun Facts website explains it’s a time for tired Irish women, who cooked and washed dishes all alone for their large families during the holidays, to finally get a break – for one day at least.
It’s a time for women to finally get a break
Yes, this one’s just for the ladies, gents. It’s one of the lovely traditions I will be experiencing for the first time since we moved here to Ireland. A night for the women to celebrate surviving another holiday break with the children, the husband and their extended family all at home. Together. For several days. In a row.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the holidays. I start cranking up Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” immediately while I clear the Thanksgiving plates. And this year was no different.
During the holidays. I cooked. A lot. Family cookie favourites. Ham with maple bourbon sauce. Mountains of mashed potatoes and now that I have discovered the glories of goose fat, truck- loads of roast potatoes too. (We’re in Ireland after all.) Mince pies with brandy butter. Boiled puddings with brandy sauce. Just plain brandy sauce and feck it, just plain brandy! Needless to say that with all that cooking comes all that eating. Too much. I loved the holidays with gusto and now I’m glad to add them to my ever-growing memory box.

So! Here we are in the first week back at it.
Did you skip while you took your children back to school yesterday? Did you attack your first gym/pool/pilates/yoga class of the new year with a vengeance? Have you already vacuumed up the last of the dead pine needles and packed the stockings/baubles/Christmas village buildings and figurines tidily away? Did you possibly even kiss your desk and/or co-workers back at the office?
I did. Except for the desk and co-worker part. I am simply delighted to be facing a fresh new year square in its little hopeful pink face. A new year with new possibilities. I, like you, have plenty of work goals. I want to consult on more projects in more countries with more clients. I am excited about new prospects and opportunities.
But first, tonight, one more fest. I’ll be meeting some girl friends here in Cork at a restaurant downtown. It’s a French place I haven’t tried yet called Star Anise. That likely means small delicate portions. That’s a good thing. It’s a new year after all.
Cheers and here’s to a productive, but still festive, new year!
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