simon ong

Simon Alexander Ong – Energize

Get ready to energize your life tips found in the first book from professional coach Simon Alexander Ong.  It’s appropriately titled, “Energize,” and I was lucky enough to have him kindly sign it for me when I met him in London earlier this year. 

I say kindly, because I had just mistaken introduced him up onto the stage at the event I was emceeing when I stupidly switched his first and middle name.  Thankfully, he still graciously made his way to the stage with smile intact. That’s the power of positive energy, for you! 

I’ve interviewed him for my column in Ireland’s largest circulated newspaper since then, and of course I’ve enjoyed reading his book. You should too. But here are the Cliff Notes: 

This book is a roadmap to unleashing your full potential and leaving a mark on the world. 

First and foremost, Ong (I’m going to call him by his easy to remember last name!) brilliantly dismantles the myth of hustle culture and burnout. In a world that glorifies non-stop work and constant busyness, “Energize” serves as a refreshing counter-narrative. Ong’s insights challenge the belief that success must come at the cost of our well-being. Through practical strategies and a mindset shift, he empowers readers to harness sustainable energy and find balance, ensuring that the journey to impact is not only impactful but also fulfilling.

The book’s core message revolves around the concept of energizing your life rather than depleting it. Ong introduces the idea that true success is not about draining your energy in a relentless pursuit but about cultivating and amplifying your energy to create a ripple effect of positive influence. By weaving together personal anecdotes, real-world examples, and actionable steps, “Energize” becomes a handbook for those who aspire not just to achieve goals but to do so with vitality and resilience.

Ong doesn’t just stop at individual well-being; he dives into the dynamics of impactful leadership. Through practical tools and profound insights, “Energize” equips leaders to inspire and energize their teams. Ong argues that authentic leadership is rooted in understanding oneself, leading with purpose, and fostering an environment where everyone’s energy is elevated. The result? Impact that resonates far beyond individual accomplishments, creating a ripple effect that transforms communities and organizations.

What sets “Energize” apart is its holistic approach to impact. Ong recognizes that making a difference isn’t a one-dimensional pursuit; it’s about aligning various facets of our lives. Whether it’s cultivating meaningful relationships, embracing a growth mindset, or aligning with our core values, “Energize” guides readers to integrate these elements seamlessly. It’s not just about what you achieve; it’s about how you live and the positive energy you infuse into every aspect of your existence.

In a world where noise often drowns out wisdom, “Energize” emerges as a beacon of clarity and purpose. Ong’s writing isn’t just motivational; it’s a call to action. The book doesn’t merely inspire; it provides the tools needed to turn inspiration into tangible, transformative impact. 

So, if you’re ready to redefine success, lead with authentic energy, and create a legacy that resonates, “Energize” isn’t just a recommendation—it’s a necessity. It’s time to flip the switch, elevate your energy, and embark on a journey of impact that transcends the ordinary.

Thank you, Simon Alexander. I promise to get your names in proper order next time. 

Gina London

Gina London

An Emmy-winning former CNN correspondent and anchor with premier clients in five continents, she guides the top companies and executives in the world to more positively connect and engage with their employees, their board and themselves.

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An Emmy-winning former CNN correspondent and anchor with premier clients in five continents, she guides the top companies and executives in the world to more positively connect and engage with their employees, their board and themselves.

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